Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Fueling the Flux Capacitors!

Once we had landed in Sao Paulo there was the usual relief that one feels when one had been on a long flight, that of being glad to have arrived safely and that you will now be able to leave the aircraft and move freely again. Before I can fully relax though I need to know if my guitar has made the trip without being broken in two. At baggage reclaim I wait with the sort of anxiety usually reserved for concern for a loved one, as I watched the conveyer belt trundle other people's luggage past me. Then I see the flight case make it's appearance in the distance, here is comes! But wait! It is soaking, it has very heavy condensation on it and water is just running off of it.
I place it on the floor and open the catches, this is the moment of truth on whether I can tour or not, whether I have a broken friend or not. As I open the lid, moisture escapes like steam and the guitar has a film of condensation on it as it meets the warm Sao Paulo air. All of a sudden I feel like I am 'Doc' from 'Back To The Future' as I open the flight case containing the nuclear fuel needed to power the flux capacitors!!! Alarming, but the guitar has not snapped and has lived to sing another day.

Now the adventure can begin and I need to meet up with my Sao Paulo friends who have brought me so far to play.

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