Saturday, 1 February 2014

Training for Brazil 2014 - Don't dream it, be it!

I did intend to write something yesterday (which I sadly didn't manage) but I just wore myself ragged trying to get everything done (which I did, happily) but I had no on screen time. On top of a million other things I won't bore you with, I also had to fit in an acoustic rehearsal for my solo appearance supporting the Members at the Square on Sat Feb 8th and playing through all the songs I will perform in Brazil on electric guitar. They are both very different sets so they both need time spent on them. I have not played in the Neurotics for two years or more now so I have to train my back to support my electric guitar, my wrists to handle playing a fret board lower down. I have been doing a lot of work sitting at my PC for the last eight months so I have to bring my overall fitness up, hence lots of cycling and walking. It's my version of training for the World Cup or the Olympics, getting my shit together basically for Brazil.

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