Thursday, 23 January 2014

As the rain falls, my spirits rise (although they are not connected)

My throat is no longer sore, yippee! Feeling good, now on to more planning. Got a whole load of tips from a post on Facebook about remedies for reviving my voice. I cannot predict how good the monitoring will be at the gigs I do in Brazil, so forewarned is forearmed as they say.

I phoned in some final dimensions to Flightcase Warehouse to have a custom built case for my Fender Esprit guitar, ready made for my trip. I want it to be as comfortable as me on my journeys.

I have ordered a special apre performance string cloth to help keep the tone and condition of my strings good  for as long as possible. I can only imagine how sweated over they will be in a climate as hot as Brazil.

Ordered a Post Office Credit card yesterday which is apparently good for making purchases abroad, and picked up 350 Reals in cash so that I have some local currency when I arrive.

Today, I will put together a little press release and send it to the local papers in case they find my little adventure newsworthy, not guaranteed but always worth a try.

Am I doing this too early or am I just well organised, flight date Feb 11th.

Was going to go out for a cycle ride to tone me up fitness wise but it's raining now so another day it must be.

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